Compounded cosmeceuticals
Sometimes you need something...else
We work closely with a PCCA professional cosmeceutical compounding pharmacy to create patient specific products.
Cosmeceuticals are used for many different reasons. We have several proprietary formulas that work wonders!
- Anti-Aging
- Acne
- Scar removal/reduction
- Stretchmark removal/reduction
- Nutritional Concerns
- Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Through cosmeceuticals, your skin can begin to look and feel like it did five, ten, or even fifteen years ago – moist, smooth, protected, and with reduced appearance of wrinkles. Many commercial creams and lotions may claim to offer the same results, but why use a mass-produced product when you can use one that has been custom-prepared to meet your exact needs?
- For example, we can make the same anti-aging "Estrogen Skin Care" cream in three different bases for dry, oily or normal, and or sensitive skin. We can change the base, and the percentages of actives then may irritate so that you get the same excellent results from the active ingredients no matter what type of skin you have.
- That product is working for you but it could be better? We can customize a formula to meet your needs.